Please call your Senator

Jackson Mountain Round up started this morning, Friday June 8, 2012

Today – please contact any and all senators and representatives and ask that they intervene–to stop the Jackson Mountain foaling season roundup and bring America’s indigenous horses aid if needed.

The preservation groups also suggest voicing your concern to Nevada’s Congressman Joe Heck 202-225-3252 (fax 202-225-3252) and Senator Dean Heller 202-224-6244 (fax 202-224-6244).

“The BLM is using the drought as an excuse to clear out wild horses while risking their death,” explains Novak, one of the advocate group leaders. “They are leaving livestock on the same allegedly drought afflicted land to graze, so BLM’s actions don’t make any sense. It just shows how the government agency wants to dispose of America’s icons.”