No Horses Allowed!

Many visitors to Reno Nevada have enjoyed the ability to see the mustangs living peacefully on the land. One region that many participants have seen on their Tour is subject to massive development of 500 plus new houses and commercial and business properties. The area is near the Damonte Ranch Development and South Park Meadows.

A group of concerned citizens commented at the meeting to voice their fear that the horses will be removed and taken to the ‘kill buyer’ in Fallon. Indeed, the city planner, the attorney for the developer and the owner of the land indicated there is no current provision to keep the horses on the wetlands they have occupied for many, many years.

If you enjoyed the ability to see the mustangs, please consider contacting the City Council members of Reno and ask them to require the developer to leave access to water and open space for the wild horses. The mustangs are a true treasure of the West. They are routinely being eliminated from our landscape. Remember: ‘Extinction is Forever’.