It’s and uphill climb

The long and winding road for a wild horse has long-been an uphill climb. Throughout our history, the wild horse has evoked many emotions and controversy about the role they have in our lives. Mustangs have endured for centuries as ‘wild’ animals, yet their place in society has been to one of domestication. Our last message gave an alert about the ominous potential future for our American Mustang. The Secretary of Interior and the Congressman from Nevada have spoken outwardly to ‘euthanize’ or to ‘sell without limitation’ wild horses of the West. That decision has temporarily been put on hold for an indefinite period of time. Perhaps all of us who wrote in, called in, or sent emails had an impact on such a horrendous idea.

Just as the stallion is vigilant of danger that would threaten his family, we too must keep vigilant of political leaders and industires that would rather the wild horse be eliminated from our landscape. The 1959 law that prohibited vehicles and aircraft in the capture of wild horses was amended and essential made the law ineffective. Certain political and industry leaders want to amend the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act to render it useless. We cannot let that happen.

Our American Mustangs are our living heritage of the West, the Mustangs that belong to all of U.S. For more information on how you can help, visit our Facebook page: Sonny Boys Tours or visit our website and follow the links on the side bar to various non-profit organizations that help support the wild horses to remain Wild and Free!