Their fate lies within us

The fate of the Mustangs still hangs in the balance. Our Nation’s leaders – Congress will ultimately decide on our American Mustangs on public lands and those that have been removed. The Virginia Range Horses near Reno NV also await the Department of Agriculture’s decision. Followers with Sonny Boys Tours on Facebook, have seen posts regarding the Virginia Range Horses and wild horses that roam on public lands.

In the meantime, we continue to enjoy just watching them. Seeing them in their family bands. Marveling at how they survive and thrive in the high desert and harsh conditions. We can only hope that generations of enthusiasts will be able to watch them far into the future.

Our American Mustangs are our living heritage of the West. The Mustangs belong to all of U.S. For more information on how you can help, visit our Facebook page: Sonny Boys Tours or visit our website and follow the links on the side bar to various non-profit organizations that help support the wild horses to remain Wild and Free!

Posted on the American Wild Horse Campaign’s and The Cloud Foundation’s websites.

As you might know, the Trump Administration’s FY 2019 budget again calls on Congress to lift the slaughter bans and aims to cut the agency’s budget by about $15 million. Meanwhile, the House and Senate are negotiating 2018 spending legislation, and the future of our wild horses and burros remains on the line. While the House’s Interior Appropriations bill would allow the Bureau of Land Management to destroy up to 90,000 healthy wild horses and burros on the range and in holding facilities, the Senate’s version prohibits both the destruction of healthy horses and burros and their sale for slaughter.

The Congress is expected to finalize 2018 spending legislation by March 23. And yesterday’s release of the Trump Administration’s 2019 budget begins the appropriations process for the next fiscal year. As a result, the release of the Unified Statement could not be more timely. Equally important, it sends a powerful message – that this diverse wild horse and burro advocacy community is united in its desire to maintain federal protections for wild horses and burros and agree on a set of principles and recommendation for a long-term, humane and viable management plan.

Given all the challenges that lie ahead for our wild horses and burros, we encourage you to use the Unified Statement to educate, advocate, and lobby for change in wild horse and burro management by

Sharing on social media and posting on your website;
Getting additional groups or businesses to sign on; and
Asking your supporters to call and write Congress to urge them to maintain long-standing prohibitions on destruction and sale for slaughter of healthy wild horses and burros.
Again, thanks for participating in this important initiative on behalf of our wild ones!
Mary A. Koncel

American Wild Horse Campaign

(413) 563.0508