Mustangs of Nevada endure all types of weather and the four seasons that bring snow, sun, rain and a few cloudy days.  Mother nature provides a warm fuzzy winter coat in the Winter.  This last summer, temperatures scorched over 90 degrees and the wild horses head down to the watering holes to get a fresh drink of water.  They take a siesta before heading out to graze along the hillsides.  We were fortunate enough to catch a beautiful family during their brief respite.  The stallion stood over his little filly, watching diligently for and would-be predators.  Mommy Mare did the same for her little colt.  Their strong family bond helps to protect them in the wild.


To see the family bands, caring mother mares, and strong stately stallions protecting their families just give us reason for hope.  All our worries and cares melt away once we catch a glimpse of the wild horses.

If it’s been awhile since your last trip here to Reno, think about coming back.  We have some new spots we’ve discovered to see the family bands!  Hope you all will visit our new website.  Be sure to click on the links to advocacy groups and find out how they help the wild horses stay wild and free.  For more information and details about our services and how you can help preserve our American Mustangs, living symbols of the West, check out our website:  or call (775) 200-5205.